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Healthy lifestyle blog featuring plant-based recipes, healthy eating tips, restaurant reviews from around the world, and more.

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Filtering by Tag: Carolina Sanchez

Drinking Soda

Carolina Sanchez

I've never been one to drink a lot of soda. In fact, I remember when I was 12, I decided to never drink soda again. That was before I even knew anything about nutrition or had any interest in the subject. It must have been a sign that I would one day become passionate about it. I can't remember why I made the decision, but I just know that since 12, I haven't touched a soda. I don't miss it, and my body certainly doesn't miss it either.

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The Link Between Repressive Governments and the Food Industry

Carolina Sanchez

In the former, you don't have a choice about what you want to do, but in the latter, you do. But we still do what they say. People are being brainwashed in both cases. Food companies are brilliant in their marketing schemes. Food is after all the third largest industry in the world. Following close behind is the pharmaceutical industry. Make sense?

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New Recipe for Thanksgiving: Mixed Greens and Quinoa Salad with Balsamic Drizzle

Carolina Sanchez

Thanksgiving is a time to gather with family and friends and it usually involves food. It has become synonymous with overeating, and indulging in what are normally calorie-laden foods, only to regret it the next morning and try signing up at your local gym, if you're not too busy doing Black Friday shopping, of course which can be a workout in and of itself.

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Type 2 Diabetes and Why You Are Not a Victim of your Genes

Carolina Sanchez

If you look yourself in the mirror today, can you honestly tell yourself that you have done everything you can to make your body healthy? Today is World Diabetes Day, a day to bring awareness about the disease. So, I hope that my blog can be a small contribution to show that there is an alternative way, and that in many cases, diabetes can be prevented and reversed. You are not a victim of your genes.

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